Life isn't about finding yourself,
it's about creating yourself.
~ George Bernard Shaw


As professionally certified coaches we excel at providing 1:1 coaching, peer coaching and group coaching. We bring a wealth of professional experience, personal development work, current best practices and joy to our work.

As systems thinkers we know the value of peer/team/group coaching from a learning, cost savings and impact perspectives. Our value add to your team, mentoring rings or learning circles is our unique peer to peer coaching model. This model builds group trust, belonging, and knowledge with cross-pollination and development of skills and best practices. The in-depth coaching experience within the groups accelerates interpersonal communication and engagement skills. The result is exponential growth of leadership bench strength.

Our role as coaches is to meet you where you are, help you envision where you want to be and coach to breakthrough results.

We are passionate about helping you live into your authentic self and thrive in a life of your own design.

We will work with you to achieve increased and sustainable effectiveness in your life and career by engaging with you as a "thought partner" as well as support you in your accountability to your personal and professional development.

In a safe and trusted environment we will engage in a dynamic learning process that acknowledges you as resourceful self-expert. Working with the whole self (physical, mental, emotional, social, vocational, environmental and spiritual) we discover choices that create health, balance, vitality and sustainable success.

Whether you are looking to show up more authentically and confidently, needing to improve your organizational influence and impact, seeking to gain clarity regarding personal brand, planning the next career move, contemplating a life change, or longing for more balance in your life…..